Marcel Vanderauwera
Marcel Van der Auwera, MSc, PhD-student. Director of the Department of Emergency Care of the Federal Health Department (FOD Volksgezondheid). He graduated in Nursing in 1992 and started working at the emergency department of Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZ Brussel). He obtained the Emergency Nursing certification and the Nursingmanagement bachelor in 2005. In 2009 he obtained the Master in Nursing and Midwifery and in 2011 the European Master in Disaster Medicine. From 2006 on he started getting involved within the Federal Health Department and the Belgian First Aid and Support Team (B-FAST). He was trained in Operational Management within the European Civil Protection Mechanism in 2012. He is involved as Visiting Professor and Course Unit Coordinator in Public Health Emergency at the European Master in Disaster Medicine course (EMDM, www.dismedmaster.com).
- Mental well-being
- Emergency Medical Services
- Mass gatherings
- Emergency planning
Teaching activities
- Disaster management
- Public Health Emergencies
Organisatie informatie