In preparation
Monitoring the mental well-being of disaster relief caregivers.
Marcel Van der Auwera (PhD VUB)
Promotor : Hubloue I, Co-promotor: Michel Debacker.
Validation of a medical risk analysis tool for mass gatherings.
Kris Spaepen (PhD VUB)
Promotor: Hubloue I.
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI)
Trevor Jain (PhD VUB)
Promotor: Hubloue I.
Optimization of disaster medical management using computer simulation.
Ruben De Rouck (PhD VUB)
Promotor: Hubloue I, Debacker M.
Middle East Humanitarian Crises, Public Health Assessment and Response Study
Abdallah Mohamed Mohamed Elsafti Elsaeidy (Joint PhD VUB-UPO)
Promotor: Hubloue I, della Corte F. Co-promotor : van Berlaer G.
Development and Assessment of a Disaster Live Drill Evaluation Tool for Primary Health Care Facilities.
Deepu Mathew (Joint PhD VUB-UPO)
Promotor : Hubloue I. Co-promotor: Della Corte F.
Testing the disaster Medical response in the archipelago of the azores – an experimental study
Irene Maria Antunes Pereira (PhD Universidade de Coimbra)
Promotor: Motta Pinto A. Co-promotor: Hubloue I.
Direct medical costs associated with road traffic accidents.
Helena Van Deynse (PhD VUB)
Promotor: Putman K. Co-promotor: Hubloue I.
A philosophical and ethnographic study of medical diagnostics. Literature meets practice. (Een filosofie van stille kennis in de interne geneeskunde : een etnografische studie over onzekerheid, ervaringskennis en evidence-based medicine in het diagnostisch process).
Stéphanie Van Droogenbroeck (PhD VUB)
Promotor : Van Bendegem JP, Copromotor : Deschepper R, Velkeniers B, Hubloue I. Academic year 2015.
Disaster and humanitarian emergency response : the importance of field medical data registration.
Gerlant van Berlaer (PhD VUB)
Promotors : Hubloue I, Debacker M. Academic year 2017.