Joost Bierens
Joost Bierens, MD, PhD, MScDM. Visiting professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine of the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZ Brussel) and the Research Group on Emergency and Disaster Medicine at the Medical School of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ReGEDiM Brussel). He studied medicine at the Catholic University Nijmegen (Netherlands) in 1982; and specialized in anesthesiology at the University Leiden (the Netherlands) in 1988; and in emergency medicine at the Catholic University Leuven (Belgium) in 1990. In 1996 he obtained a PhD in medicine at the University Utrecht (Netherlands). Between 2000 and 2009 he was the first professor in the Netherlands nominated with an academic chair in emergency medicine at the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam. A Master in Crisis and Public Order Management i(MCPM) was completed in 2014. In 2015, he started as thesis coordinator for the European Master Disaster Medicine (EMDM). In addition to his role in disaster medicine, he is an international authority in the field of drowning and other aquatic emergencies.
- Research concepts and methodology
- Education & training
- Quality of EMS systems
- Drowning
- Hypothermia
- Aquatic incidents and disasters
Teaching activities
- Disaster management
Blood bank preparedness for mass casualty incidents and disasters: a pilot study in the Piedmont region, Italy.
Caramello V, Camerini O, Ricceri F, Ottone P, Mascaro G, Chianese R, Bodas M, Bierens J, Della Corte F. Vox Sang. 2019 Mar 12e
Nascholingstijdschrift over peri-operatieve geneeskunde 2019
Greeven T, Bierens JJLM. Verdrinking. A&I, (in press)
Disaster exercises to prepare hospitals for mass-casualty incidents: Does it contribute to preparedness or is it ritualism?
Verheul ML, Dückers M, Visser BB, Beerens RJ, Bierens JJ.
Prehosp Disaster Med 2018;33(4):387-393
Review of 14 drowning publications based on the Utstein style for drowning.
Venema AM, Absalom AR, Idris AH, Bierens JJLM
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2018: 22;26(1):19.
Landslides: Impact on Public Mental Health System. PLOS Currents Disasters.
Dell'Aringa M, Ranzani O, Bierens J, Murray V. Rio’s Mountainous Region (“Região Serrana”) 2011
2018 Jan 25. doi:10.1371/currents.dis.156b98022b9421098142a4b31879d866